Halogen-free TRISET cables The new cables from TRISET family - TRISET-113 HF E1019 and TRISET-11HF E1029 are manufactured using HF (halogen free) technology. When burning, they do not give off toxic gases.
This feature allows to use the cables in public buildings (hospitals, schools, theaters etc). In such buildings there have to be used safe cables which, in the case of fire, do not pose any additional risk for people. It is not permissible to use compounds of chlorine, fluorine, bromine, or iodine - the halogen compounds hazardous to health (carcinogenic) that would give off in high temperature.
Cables in PVC sheath (containing chlorine) and those based on polyethylene and polypropylene (admixture of bromine) are halogen cables. In the mentioned halogen-free cables there are used more expensive aluminum compounds instead.
The halogen-free TRISET cables belong to NC/LSOH group, i.e. they do not emit corrosive fumes (Non Corrosive), or much smoke (Low Smoke), or, of course, halogen compounds (O Halogen - Zero Halogen - sometimes marked as ZH).
The both cables comply with EN 50268-1, 2 - (low smoke) and EN 50267-2-2 (non-corrosive, halogen free).
TRISET family has been awarded at SatKrak 2007 (international satellite trade fair in Krakow). Due to low loss, high screening efficiency, and perfect matching, TRISET cables ensure high performance of multiswitch systems and large cable installations (MATV, cable TV).
TRISET HF cables comply with highest safety standards and feature outstanding technical parameters:
This feature allows to use the cables in public buildings (hospitals, schools, theaters etc). In such buildings there have to be used safe cables which, in the case of fire, do not pose any additional risk for people. It is not permissible to use compounds of chlorine, fluorine, bromine, or iodine - the halogen compounds hazardous to health (carcinogenic) that would give off in high temperature.
Cables in PVC sheath (containing chlorine) and those based on polyethylene and polypropylene (admixture of bromine) are halogen cables. In the mentioned halogen-free cables there are used more expensive aluminum compounds instead.
The halogen-free TRISET cables belong to NC/LSOH group, i.e. they do not emit corrosive fumes (Non Corrosive), or much smoke (Low Smoke), or, of course, halogen compounds (O Halogen - Zero Halogen - sometimes marked as ZH).
The both cables comply with EN 50268-1, 2 - (low smoke) and EN 50267-2-2 (non-corrosive, halogen free).
TRISET family has been awarded at SatKrak 2007 (international satellite trade fair in Krakow). Due to low loss, high screening efficiency, and perfect matching, TRISET cables ensure high performance of multiswitch systems and large cable installations (MATV, cable TV).
TRISET HF cables comply with highest safety standards and feature outstanding technical parameters:
- high screening efficiency (A-class: above 100 dB),
- low loss (at 2150 MHz: TRISET-113HF - 27.7 dB, TRISET-11 HF - 21.0 dB).
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